Thursday, July 31, 2008

First Blog

I have spent my summer reading every blog that I could get my hands on.  This is a new addiction that I have acquired since I have had way to much time on my hands.  It started out innocent, just curious, checking out the blog world.   Now I check several blogs everyday...and I'm embarrassed to admit sometimes more than once a day.  Josh has of course noticed my addiction and last night asked...."So you're a blog reader, not a blog writer?"  I just don't feel like that I have enough interesting things happen to me that I could keep a blog all to myself.  So I have enlisted the help of my best friend and sister to help me create an interesting blog.  I guess we'll I just have to hope that I'm not the "boring" writer.  -Amber

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boooooooring... Glad you teach math and not English.
