Thursday, July 31, 2008

Looks like a couple of losers to me...

-love, amber


Hi. Hi. Hi-ness. Hi. (only Jennifer and C.J. Wilson know what that means.)

Today I drove to Breckenridge, Texas to go to Walmart. I shopped for the few things that I needed. When I was finished shopping, I went to the checkout line because that's what you do. When it was my turn to checkout, I started searching through my purse to find my wallet (my purse is HUGE by the way.) Well, as I was pulling out my wallet I guess a certain feminine product got stuck on it and fell out on to the counter (and no, I'm not talking about a is way, way worse.) It then proceeded to fall on the floor. The cashier and man behind me just watched as I franticly tried to redeem the fallen object and put it back into the security of my purse. Yep. That's what happened to me today.

My boyfriend is best friends with C.J. Wilson.


First Blog

I have spent my summer reading every blog that I could get my hands on.  This is a new addiction that I have acquired since I have had way to much time on my hands.  It started out innocent, just curious, checking out the blog world.   Now I check several blogs everyday...and I'm embarrassed to admit sometimes more than once a day.  Josh has of course noticed my addiction and last night asked...."So you're a blog reader, not a blog writer?"  I just don't feel like that I have enough interesting things happen to me that I could keep a blog all to myself.  So I have enlisted the help of my best friend and sister to help me create an interesting blog.  I guess we'll I just have to hope that I'm not the "boring" writer.  -Amber

The first day of our first blog!

So as you can see, Amber Light, myself Jennifer Buccola, and Lacey Husmann all decided, randomly today July 31, 2008, that we will begin our first blog all together. Why do you ask yourself all together? Well let us tell you... Amber is pretty obsessed when it comes to reading other people's blogs; therefore her husband Josh Light asked why don't you just make one yourself? So today she decided to do that and talk myself into doing it as well. the reason she did not want to start one is because she does not like to type i don't think therefore i'm doing the first typing for our first blog and she also thought that no one would really find her life alone that interesting so now i'm apart of it. Now, your wondering how Lacey got apart of our blog... well we simply asked her to join and spice it up even more. you put all of our lives together and it will certainly be interesting than just one of our lives!!
